Lomography Exhibition - PLMF - Urban Movements


PLMF was a group of young artists in Milano. Chiara Farinea, Paolo And Moi.

This is a LOMO photograhy (Lomography) exhibition we had at the AURORA art space in Milano.

Lomography, for those of you who does not know, is a special kind of photography.

It enables the capture of time (Hence:movement) on one still frame.

The theme was “urban movements” and it was divided in 3 parts. (About 250 small format photos A6)

The first was photographed at the “Cimitero monumentale” in Milano.

The second in the streets of the city. And the third…. Kill me , but I can’t remember.

The page itself is HORRIBLE, and as soon as I will have time, I will make a much better one.

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